Today I'm going to show you how to create a web service client from WSDL. You'll be suprised how quick and easy it is to get this done using a few common tools.... and we're only going to write 5 lines of code!
You will need;
- Eclipse
- Maven 2
Step 1
Create a new maven project in eclipse. Skip archetype selection to create a simple project. We're going to use Apache CXF, a popular open source web service framework. CXF gives us a wsdl2java code generation plugin to do all the programming for us. Once we've added the plugin to our POM, it looks like this;
<project xmlns=""
<name>Programming without programming #1</name>
Step 2
The webservice we're going to call is a public stock quote service provided by Download the WSDL from and put it in /src/main/resources/wsdl/stockquote.wsdl in your workspace.
Step 3
Run maven generate-sources and notice that some classes have been generated in the package net.webservicex, don't forget to add src/generated/java to your project's build path.
Step 4
Finally we have to do a bit of programming ourselves. Here come our 5 lines! Use the eclipse new class wizard to create a new class, ticking the box to create a main method. Inside the class's main method we're going to create an instance of the generated soap class, give it an endpoint and get a stock quote.
String endpoint = "";
URL wsdlUrl = StockCheck.class.getClassLoader().getResource("wsdl/stockquote.wsdl");
StockQuoteSoap soapRequest = new StockQuote(wsdlUrl).getStockQuoteSoap();
((BindingProvider)soapRequest).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endpoint);
Finally, run your class and have a look at the output. Hopefully you should see some response XML with details of Google's current stocks. Check out the screenshot of my workspace.
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